This book records forty years of Charles’ Jade and Ivory carving journey, spanning from 1973 to 2013. He constantly strives to explore and blend Chinese and Western culture in Jade and Ivory carvings through classical styles and modern techniques. This book introduces some of the author’s ideas on Jade and Ivory Carving in both Chinese and English, and shows readers his Canadian artworks of Jade and Ivory carvings that showcase the beauty of wildlife animals in the realm of nature. Published in Canada in 2013, 16K hardcover Edition, 156 pages. Canadian Publication ISBN: 978-0-9918559-0-2
跨文化探索 – 胡昌民加拿大玉牙雕刻
《跨文化探索–胡昌民加拿大玉牙雕刻》记述了作者胡昌民Charles C Min Hu四十年(一九七三年至二零一三年)在玉牙雕刻领域的跨界艺术实践,从中国到加拿大,由牙雕到玉雕,从古典风格到现代手法,由人物雕刻到野生动物雕刻,尤其从东西方文化背景和地缘环境变化情形下,追求古今相承,中西合璧的跨文化探索。本书用中英文介绍了作者部分创作感言和作品,用可视的形象为读者提供来自加拿大的玉牙雕刻,感受野生动物的原生美态,大自然展现的美妙境界。2013年加拿大出版,16开精装本,156页。加拿大出版书号 ISBN:978-0-9918559-0-2
This book contains a detailed record of the past and present of Shanghai’s local Ivory carving history since its inception in Shanghai, China. The book being fully written in Chinese, readers can see the development of Shanghai’s ivory carving industry and the unique and specialized Chinese carving styles that have formed over time. While the central topic the book aims to shed light to is the rise and fall of Shanghai’s contemporary ivory carving industry, Charles also interprets the cultural and artistic value of it. Published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in 2016 and distributed nationwide, 160,000 words, 455 photos, 311 pages, 16K hardcover. ISBN: 978-7-208-14091-2
《上海象牙雕刻》胡昌民Charles C Min Hu编著,书中详实记载了中国上海开埠以来本地象牙雕刻行业的过去和现在,用系统笔墨梳理了这一地方手工艺术的发展脉络、独特风格和技艺特色,是一部既反映上海百年牙雕行业在近代史中兴衰存亡的历史读本,也是反映这一特种工艺的文化艺术价值的文史读物。16万字,455张照片,311页,16开精装本。2016年由上海人民出版社出版,全国发行。中国岀版总局书号 ISBN:978-7-208-14091-2
The Bridge of Jade, Blending Cultures of East and West in Carving Canadian Jade
This book is an introduction to contemporary Canadian wildlife Jade carving. It talks about the unique features of Canadian Jade carvings, various creation methods, modelling forms, skills, technique and insights on Canadian Jade carving history. Published by Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in 2020, 110,000 words, 361 photos and 144 drawings, 310 pages, 16K hardcover. ISBN: 978-7-5586-1802-4
玉橋 – 融東西方文化 琢加拿大碧玉
《玉桥–融东西方文化 琢加拿大碧玉》胡昌民Charles C Min Hu著,这是一部介绍当代加拿大野生动物玉雕艺术读物。作者从加拿大玉雕本土特色、东西方文化艺术审美取向,到玉雕创作内容、形式、处理技巧、制作工艺等多个方面,对加拿大玉雕艺术作了深入浅出的分析探讨,是一部既有知识普及作用,又有实践指导意义的图书。为读者了解当代北美玉雕艺术动态和水平提供了很好的观察角度。全书约11万字,361张照片,144幅图稿,310页,16开精装本。2020年12月由上海人民美术出版社出版。中国岀版总局书号ISBN:978-7-5586-1802-4