A Brief Introduction to Charles Chang Min Hu
Charles C. M. Hu (Charles Chang Min Hu ), a Chinese-Canadian, was born in Shanghai in 1956. After graduating from Shanghai Arts and Crafts Institute in 1976, he worked as the technical director of the ivory carving department at the Shanghai Jade Carving Factory. In 1988, he went to Canada to study at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Since 2014, he has served as the President of the Canadian National Jade Research Institute and has been granted titles such as Master Jade Sculptor of Canada, Master Jade Sculptor of Shanghai, and Master Jade Sculptor of Shanghai-Style. He is also a guest professor at Shanghai Art and Design Academy. As an inheritor of Chinese jade and ivory carving, Charles is committed to integrating Eastern and Western cultures and focusing his talents on North American wildlife sculptures. His artworks stress an unrestrained and simplistic style yet have a sense of unique volume and power. The combination of fullness and linearity makes the sculpture’s centerpiece stand out in its natural background, reflecting Charles’s distinctive and personal artistic style. Amongst other accolades, he has won “Chinese Artist of the Era” from the Global Chinese Fine Arts Golden Brush Awards, “Outstanding Artist Achievement Award” from the U.S. TIMES Outstanding Chinese American of the Year Awards, and the “International Avant-Garde Art Leadership Award for Contemporary Artist” from the Japan International Metaverse Conference.
胡昌民Charles C.M.Hu,加籍华人,1956年生于上海,1976年上海工艺美校毕业后在上海玉石雕刻厂任牙雕部门技术主任。1988年赴加拿大UBC留学。2014年起任加拿大玉石研究院院长,获加拿大玉雕大师、上海特级玉雕大师、海派玉雕特级大师称号,为上海工艺美术职业学院客座教授。作为中国玉牙雕传人,长期在北美从事野生动物玉牙雕刻,追求东西方造型方法融汇貫通,作品寓喻人文情趣,把中国雕刻最核心的线形元素融入西方团块形态造型方法之中,化繁为简、概括洗练、动态平衡,具象与抽象并蓄,清晰主体出现在粗旷背景上,展现了鲜明个性化风格特点。获世界华人美术金笔奖“时代功勋艺术家奖”、美国时代华人杰出风云人物“艺术家卓越成就奖”、日本国际元宇宙大会 “ 国际前卫艺术领袖奖”。